Hello fellow Alyssa fans! I was surfing through our galleries earlier today, and noticed that our film production section was really uncomplete. Therefore, I’ve decided to spend some time working on it! It’s going to take quite a lot of time seing as Alyssa has a long career behind her, but I will get there eventually. I will try to do one film every now and then, probably starting from her newest films to the older ones.
First up, is Sundays at Tiffany’s! I recently saw the film myself, and I absolutely fell in love with it – a sure must see for all Alyssa fans who hasn’t already. It’s really romatic and cute, and might just be one of my favorite Alyssa movies. Film screencaptures will be added soon too, so stay tuned for those.
– 2010: Sundays at Tiffaany’s > Official Website Screencaptures x1
– 2010: Sundays at Tiffaany’s > Official Movie Stills x8
– 2010: Sundays at Tiffaany’s > Official Trailer Screencaptures x72
– 2010: Sundays at Tiffaany’s > On The Set – Toronto, September 23 x4
– 2010: Sundays at Tiffaany’s > On The Set – Toronto, September 25 x5