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February 17 2013  52 
Graphic update: new “Who’s the Boss” icons!

Hello fellow Alyssa fans! I only have a tiny graphic update for you all today, but I’ll hope you’ll like it nonetheless! I was browsing our galleries, and came across this set of “Who’s the Boss” screencaptures, which suddenly inspired me to create some graphics. The result is 20+ brand new icons! I tried out a softer coloring this time, as all our previous WTB icons are quite bold. I’ve attached some previous below – simply click them to view the full set!

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February 03 2013  59 
Graphic update: 100 new Charmed icons!

Hello fellow Alyssa fans! It’s been a while since our last Charmed releated update, so I decided to make some icons for y’all! There’s a total of 100 new icons, mostly using screencaptures from season 1, 4, 5 and 8 of the TV series. I tried out a new coloring/style, and I hope you’ll like it! Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts, I would really love to hear your opinion. Stay tuned for yet another 2013 event update a little later today, and have fun browsing the new icons!


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January 16 2011  31 
Massive “Charmed” Update!

Hello Lyssa fans :D Earlier today, I made a promise at our twitter account that a big Charmed update was in the making. And here it is! I have spent quite a lot of time today collecting stills and promotional images, capture episodes and make some new graphic for the site. This new update contains of animations, icons, banners, screencaps and more – everything a Charmed/Phoebe/Lyssa fan could ever want! There’s not really much more to say – I’ll just let you start browsing all the new phoebe goodies.

Gallery Links:

season5-15.jpg season5-16.jpg season5-45.jpg season8-03.jpg
season6-14.jpg season6-20.jpg season6-29.jpg season2-04~0.jpg

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December 25 2010  42 
Merry Christmas From Alyssa Milano Online!

Merry Christmas fellow Alyssa fans! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful christmas so far, and that it will keep staying wonderful. Christmas is the time of year which should be filled with a bit extra joy and happiness, and I hope all our visitors is feeling the christmas spirit :) To make the day even more amazing then it hopefully already is, I have a huge icon archive update for you lot today! Thank you so much to Jess for some of these.

This site may stay a bit unactive during the rest of 2010, as I want to spend this time with friends and loved ones, and hopefully so will you! I hope to be able to drop by every now and then though. But, Alyssa Milano Online will continue to serve you all the latest and greatest on Lyssa, as well as lots of more Charmed captures, content updates and more in 2011 – and I’m really looking forward to it! Now, enjoy the icons, and merry merry christmas!!

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November 19 2010  38 
Content update: Icons

As promised, I have another update for you! This one is tiny, but I hope you’ll enjoy it nevertheless :) I have updated our iconarchives with some new photoshoot icons of Alyssa, which I hope you will like! The iconarchive will be huge eventually, and I will try to update it atleast twice a week. If you have some Lyssa icons you would like us to show there, then drop me a line! You would offcourse get credit. To view the new adds, or any of our older icons, simply click the previews below. Check them out, and perhaps pretty up your forum or msn icon with some Alyssa sparks?!


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