Happy New Year from Alyssa Milano Online!

Happy new year dear visitors! :D 2011 is finally here, and I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating it in. 2010 was a good year for Alyssa – and our site, who opend it’s doors! I hope 2011 will show itself to be just as great, if not better, as 2010 for Alyssa – and we will be here to support her. I would also like to thank all our regular visitors for visiting, and I truely hope that you will continue to follow us this year. I have a lot of plans for Alyssa Milano Online – and there will be a lot of gallery updates comming up over the next weeks as well.

As a very little, first update in 2011, I have startet a “Most memorable tweets” page in our Alyssa section! This one will grow a lot over the next couple of weeks, but Enjoy what’s there while you wait. Alyssa sure tweet some great stuff :)