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November 03 2012  27 
Alyssa Milano Online celebrates two years online!

Hello fellow Alyssa fans – it’s a big day here at Alyssa Milano Online today! It’s exacly two years ago today that we opend the doors here at AMO. I’ve had such a blast running this site for my biggest role model, and I hope to continue bringing you information, photos, news and more for our favorite girl for many more years to come!

We will celebrate the anniversary here at the site with a galore of updates, including Charmed screencaptures, HQ event additions, content and graphics! If there’s anything in particular you would like us to add or update here today, simply comment on this post, or send us a tweet through twitter.

Have you enjoyed the site the last two years? Is there anything you feel we’re missing? We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, so please take some time to comment to this post with your opinions.

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June 28 2012  42 
Welcome to v.7 of Alyssa Milano Online!

Hello fellow Alyssa fans – and welcome to the seventh version of Alyssa Milano Online! Surprise! As you all know, our girl is turning 40 years this December. We decided that we want to begin the celebration now, by putting the site focus on her long, and amazing career! We’ve therefore got a stunning new layout designed by my good friend Kimberly, which shows of some of Alyssa’s many film and TV roles through the years – from her first full film “Commando“, to the long running series “Who’s the Boss” and all the way to one of her most recent films, “Wisegal”. And we’ve of course included our all-time favorite, “Charmed“. ;)

The new layout is not the only new thing to celebrate Alyssa and her career though. We’ve also added a “Spotlight project” to the sidebar, which will put spotlight on each of Alyssa’s films, one by one! We will do our best to change this every week, and a complete and indepth information page will be added on each project. First up is one of my absolute favorites, “To Brave Alaska” – check out our sidebar for more information.

I hope you’ll all love our new layout as much as I do, and please leave a commen with your thoughts! We would absolutely love to hear your opinions on it. All our main pages have been updated to match our pretty new look, but I still need to fix up the sub-pages. You might notice that we’ve got some new pages up as well – Library  & Style. These are currently a work-in-progress, but I hope to have them up and complete for you within the next week or so. Enjoy the new layout, and come back a little later today for another not-so-secret section opening!

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January 01 2012  29 
Alyssa in 2011: a year in review!

Happy new year dear visitors! I hope you all had a blast welcoming 2012 last night, and I wish you all the very best for the coming year. 2011 has been a great year for our girl , and we hope that 2012 will become just as great for her, if not even better – we here at Alyssa Milano Online will continue to support her! I would also like to thank all our regular visitors for visiting, and I truely hope that you will continue to follow us this year. Mandy and I have a lot of plans for Alyssa Milano Online – including lots of content updates, completing the charmed screencapture section, some new sections and more.

Inspired by our elite affiliate Teri Hatcher Web, Rachel McAdams Online and Isabel Lucas Online, I have decided to review this year of Alyssa, to give a summary of her 2011 (as well as our site). With the arrival of her dear baby Milo, release of new projects and so much more, it’s been a very busy year for our girl.

Read full review inside (simply click the “continue reading ” button below.
Read the rest of this entry

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December 30 2011  38 
Charmed season 2 screencaptures added!

As promised last week, I have now added screencaptures from all the remaining episodes of “Charmed”‘s second season to our galleries! Almost 10 000 screencaptures from this season have found their way into our galleries for your viewing pleasure. Alyssa looked absolutely stunning as Phoebe Halliwell in this season, and there are bucketloads of stunning shots in there. I especially love her costume in “Pardon my Past“! Season 3 captures are already in the making, and I hope to get those added within the next few days as well…

Incase I don’t get the change to drop by tommorow, Happy New year dear visitors! I hope you’re all going to have a wonderful day tommorow, and I wish you all the very best for the coming year. This is probably our last update in 2011, and I hope you’ll all enjoy it! Mandy and I can’t wait to continue serving you all the latest and greatest on Alyssa in 2012, and we hope you’re looking forward to it as well. I’ve considered making an “Alyssa and Alyssa Milano Online’s 2011″ review-post/page, with a summary on all the biggest Alyssa events and news, as well as the sites (and perhaps some fun stuff, like favorite outfit etc.), inspired by our elite affiliate Teri Hatcher Web.  Would anyone be interested in a page/post like this? If so, give us a shout – we would love to make one!

Now, head over to our galleries and start browsing – there’s definitely hours of viewing in there – and keep checking back for more updates the coming days. And as always, don’t hesitate to leave a request if there’s something in particular you would like to see being added here at Alyssa Milano Online!

Gallery Album Links:

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December 25 2011  29 
Merry christmas from Alyssa Milano Online!

Merry Christmas fellow Alyssa fans! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful christmas so far. Christmas is the time of year which should be filled with a bit extra joy and happiness, and I hope all our visitors are feeling the christmas spirit :)  This site may stay a bit unactive during the rest of 2011, as I want to spend this time with friends and loved ones, and hopefully so will you! I hope to be able to drop by every now and then though. Alyssa Milano Online will continue to serve you all the latest and greatest on Lyssa, as well as lots of more Charmed captures, content updates and more in 2012 – and I’m really looking forward to it!

Alyssa is probably taking a well deserved christmas vacation, and with new baby Milo, I’m sure she and David is having the time of their life! Earlier today, Lys tweeted a photo of her, Dave and Milo in front of a stunning christmas three which can be seen here. They look so happy!

Hope to get in a few charmed screencapture update this coming week (I got the whole DVD box for christmas from my family – huzzah!), but if this becomes the last update this year: Merry christmas and a happy new year dear netters! :D

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December 06 2011  37 
New gallery layout here at Alyssa Milano Online!

Hello fellow Alyssa fans! I bet you’re all still reeling from Mandys post earlier today (Alyssa looked absolutely fantastic, huh?), but we have even more pretty-ness for you today. Our great friend Samantha has designed a beautiful new gallery theme for us, featurering one of our all-time favorite Alyssa photoshoots – and one of my favorite colors as well! I really hope you will all love it as much as we do – feel free to leave your comments on it, we would love to hear your opinions!

While here, I would also like to apology for the lack of updates from me here at Alyssa Milano Online lately. The whole “losing-heaps-of-stuff-due-to-server-crash” thingy really got to me, and I just needed a little break from the site before re-doing all the things I had done before the crash. I’m ready to begin again now though, and I will work a lot on the content this weekend! I hope all the coming updates will make up for the lack of updates from me here, as we have a lot of great stuff coming up for you all…

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August 06 2011  41 
Welcome to the 4th version of Alyssa Milano Online!

Hello netters, and welcome back to Alyssa Milano Online :D As you can probably tell, we have a brand new layout here – designed by yours truely this time! I felt really inspired yesterday, and wanted to make something really unique for the site – I really hope you all like it. Major kudos to the awesome Luciana for letting me use her code base for the site. <3 Comments and feedback on the new layouts is truely appriciated – I would love to hear your thoughts. Simply comment to this post – it only takes a second! The new layout can be viewed both here at the main pages, and in our galleries.

I am working on a ton of updates for the site, as many of our pages needs to be fixed to match the new layout. I also have a goal to begin our filmography pages during the weekend, and I have a bunch of Charmed screencaptures to update for y’all! So keep checking back for more updates over the next week – and enjoy browsing the new layout :)

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